Many a time we are in a hurry and don't have time to stand in a long que to buy railway tickets. At that time even if we have to shell out some extra money to get the ticket faster, we are ready to do so. Especially in busy station like Sealdah, where at any given time at least 100 people are standing in a que, if we get the ticket without standing in such a que then we feel really lucky. I think after reading this post many people will start feeling lucky and will save a lot of their precious time.
The Indian Railways has started Jansadharan Ticket Booking Sevaks (JTBS) in all its Zones. Many passengers don't know about these counters. The JTBS is an Indian railways approved all station ticket counter. You can buy local train tickets from these counters without standing in long ques... in return you have to pay a commission of Re. 1/- per ticket.
In other words, these counters are allowed to issue unreserved railway tickets through computerized Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS). JTBS is authorized to collect Rupee 1/- per passenger as commission from the purchaser of tickets. JTBS operators are also allowed to renew season tickets. Although they are not allowed to sell platform tickets.
In Sealdah area there are two such ticket counters. They are outside the Sealdah Railway Station premises, near the Platform no. 1 exit gate. Here are their addresses:
- S.Lal. Distributors, 309, Stall no. - F9 & F10, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700009, Phone: 033 23501037
- Punjabi Centre, 1, M.G. Road, Kolkata - 700009, Phone: 033 40036941, 08420333368, 947702001
These two shops are very popular and easy to find. Still if you don't find the shops you can always call them on their numbers.
Here are some of the pictures of those counters that I took few days back.
JTBS counter S.Lal. Distributors |
Ticket window of JTBS counter S.Lal. Distributors |
JTBS counter Punjabi Centre |
Ticket window of JTBS counter Punjabi Centre |
Ticket window of JTBS counter Punjabi Centre |
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