New Pre-Paid Taxi Rate (Fare) Chart From Howrah Junction in Kolkata (Calcutta)

UPDATE : Now passengers have to pay whatever is displayed on the meter... No extra Addition or Multiplication ... :) For Booking pre-paid Taxi online visit Link to the App is Howrah Junction is one of the busiest Railway stations of Kolkata (Calcutta), or rather Eastern India. To reduce the Rush of the passengers, a "New Terminus" has been created in Howrah Junction. All the Trains of Eastern Railway arrive in and depart from the Old Terminus. And all the Trains of South-Eastern Railway arrive in and depart from the New Terminus. Both these Terminuses have their own respective "Pre-Paid Taxi Booths", though the Rate Chart is same for both these booths. These Pre-Paid Taxi Booths are run by Hoogly Nadi Jalpath Paribahan samity Ltd. Earlier These rates were written only in Bengali, then they put up the rate chart in English, though the size of that...